Our AGM is on the Wednesday 28th August 2024 at 9.30am in the Old Lodge, Wellesbourne Close, Easemore Road.


Where Next has provided quality day services for 40 years with the simple aim of nurturing the potential of everybody who attends

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Who is who at Where Next. From those delivering daily care and support to the senior management team and our dedicated board of trustees

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Our story

Where Next celebrated turning 40 in 2024 an amazing achievement for a local charity. Learn more about our journey here.

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Numbers in 2023

78,848 hours

 hours of care was provided by Where Next in 2023


123 Clients

a week are supported by staff to reach their potential


of parents and carers were happy with Where Next in 2023

"help us raise money for our next day out "


 Every year at Where Next we like to enhance the experiences of our clients and provided them with an opportunity that they usually face barriers to accessing. Last year we were able to support our clients on a sight seeing tour of London which was the first time 92% of our clients had visited our capital. 

This year we are planning on some well earnt R&R to the fun capital of the UK- Blackpool. 

This trip is budgeted to cost the charity £2354 and we are working hard to reach this target independently to our normal fundraising efforts. 

Can you help with a donation, big or small? click here to donate




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